If you are looking for a very sharp Ultra-Wide native E-Mount prime lens for your full-frame A7 camera mirrorless camera this could be the lens for you. Although it doesn’t look like a small prime it is surprisingly light at 11.64 oz (330 g) when compared to Sony’s FE 16-35 F4 which weighs in at 18.27 oz (518 g) – nearly a 40% weight saving. This makes the Batis 18 only 10% heavier than the diminutive Voigtlander 15mm Heliar III Ultra Wide which weighs in at 10.37 oz (294 g). This lens is very very sharp and offers excellent corner performance – wide or stopped down. How sharp is sharp? This lens also provides a one stop advantage over the Zoom and the Voigtlander that will be useful for hand-held photography in low ambient light and also astro photographers wanting to capture the stars without having to raise the ISO too high.
I have provided a link below to some Ultra HD examples and some of these are provided at full-resolution after keystoning (correcting the converging verticals) and cropping to my preferred aspect ratio.
Album of Ultra HD Sample Images captured with the Zeiss Batis 2.8/18
Note – When Processing the Batis files in Lightroom CC I noticed that the automated Lens corrections were over compensating for the vignetting. I had to manually adjust the Vignetting slider in the Lens Corrections panel to zero.
Purchase the Zeiss Batis 2.8/18 from B&H Photo: Zeiss Batis 2.8/18