The most useful way to target color or tonality in Adobe Camera Raw is with the HSL sliders. The Luminance slider cannot be found, however, in the main editing space of Photoshop. If the Lightness slider is used to control the brightness values of a targeted color, the colors will always be desaturated in the process.
If a Black and White adjustment layer is placed in Luminosity mode, however, the color of the image will be restored. This modified adjustment layer will now allow the user to adjust luminance values of target colors. The default setting however, upsets the luminance values so it is NOT a strictly ‘default’ or neutral setting that Photoshop has created.
The Luminance preset for the Black and White adjustment layer (that is available here for download) restores all colors to a completely neutral setting before the user starts to modify a target color of their choosing. The user can now proceed to adjust a single color in the knowledge that all other colors have retained their original luminance value.
With Hue and Saturation control in the Hue/Saturation adjustment and Luminance in the Black & White adjustment we can now have the HSL controls we deserve. This preset comes with a HD tutorial movie and screen grabs that illustrate the precise location of the presets folder.
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